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Wednesday, August 22, 2018


                                          ACID PHOS

Best suited to persons of originally strong constitutions, who have become debilitated by loss of vital fluids, sexual excesses (Cinch.); violent acute diseases; chagrin, or a long succession of moral emotions, as grief, care, disappointed affection. 
Image result for acid phos 200Image result for acid phos 200
Phos. ac. is less poisonous than Phos. Our chief knowledge of it is derived from Hahnemann's provings in M. M. P. These show a marked action on the emotional and sensorial faculties, a drowsy, depressed, apathetic state being produced, such as is not unfrequently met with in typhoid fevers. The keynote of the Phos. ac. stupor is that the patient is easily aroused and then is fully conscious. Indifference; prostrated and stupefied with grief; effects of disappointed love. Home-sick. The mind is confused; thoughts cannot be connected; thinking makes him dizzy. The legs tremble in walking and the limbs are as difficult to control as the thoughts. Many symptoms of vertigo are produced, and one is peculiar. Phos. has a sensation as if the chair he was sitting on was rising;

Bad news. Grief. Chagrin. Disappointed love. Separation from home. Loss of fluids. Sexual excesses. Injuries. Operations. Over-lifting. Over-study. Shock.


Disposition to weep, as from nostalgia.-Bad effects from grief, sorrow, unfortunate love, with great emaciation, sleepiness, and morning sweat.-Sadness and uneasiness respecting the future.-Anxious inquiries respecting the disease under treatment.-Restlessness and precipitation.-Silent (sadness) peevishness and aversion to conversation.-Great indifference.-A complete indifference to everything; 

Vertigo: head sinks forward or backward; on closing eyes; at climaxis with flushes and sweat; in typhus; when lying in bed, as if fee; were going up and he was standing on his head; after reflection.-Stupefaction in forehead, with somnolency without snoring, eyes closed.-Head bewildered, as after intoxication or immoderate pollutions.-Sensation as if intoxicated, evening, in warm room, with humming in head, 

 Male Sexual Organs.-
Lancinating pains in glans.-Fine pricking at point of penis.-Burning cutting in glans with an out-pressing pain in both groins.-A feeling of heaviness in glans, esp. when urinating.-Tingling and oozing vesicles round fraenum.-Sycotic excrescences with heat and burning.-Crop of warts on prepuce.-A crop of pedunculated warts come round corolla glandis after taking Pho. ac. in summer drinks (agg.-R. T. C.).-Condylomata.-Eruption on penis and scrotum.-Inflammatory swelling of scrotum.-Pain in testes when touched.-Gnawing pain in testes.-Swelling of testes (l.)

 Female Sexual Organs.-
Oophoritis, metritis, or prolapsus from debilitating or emotional influences; amenorrhoea.-Very irritable uterus.-Uterine ulcer, with copious, putrid, bloody discharge, itching or corroding pain, or no pain.-Hepatic pains during menses.-Menses too early and too long; too copious; too late; dark clotted; preceded by leucorrhoea, and for one or two days by griping and rumbling in abdomen.-Yellowish, itching leucorrhoea after menses.-Distension of uterus as by gas.-Itching pricking like flea-bites between mammae, obliging her to rise at night.-Dysuria during pregnancy; 

 Neck and Back.-
Tension and cramp-like drawing in muscles of neck, esp. on moving head.-Miliaria on neck.-Boils under axillae; on nates.-Boring pain between scapulae.-Spondylitis of cervical vertebrae.-Eruption, painful to touch, on back, shoulder-blades, neck, and chest.-Burning pain in a spot above small of back.-Itching stitch in coccyx; fine stitches in coccyx and sternum.-Crawling (formication) tingling in back and loins.

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