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Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Anxiety Homeopathic Treatment


Anxiety :-(also called angst or worry) is a psychological and physiological state characterized by somaticemotionalcognitive, and behavioral components. It is the displeasing feeling of fear and concern.  The root meaning of the word anxiety is 'to vex or trouble'; in either presence or absence of psychological stress, anxiety can create feelings of fear, worry, uneasiness, and dread.Anxiety is considered to be a normal reaction to a stressor. It may help an individual to deal with a demanding situation by prompting them to cope with it. When anxiety becomes excessive, it may fall under the classification of an anxiety disorder.

Image result for anxietyImage result for anxiety


An evolutionary psychology explanation is that increased anxiety serves the purpose of increasedvigilance regarding potential threats in the environment as well as increased tendency to take proactive actions regarding such possible threats. This may cause false positive reactions but an individual suffering from anxiety may also avoid real threats. This may explain why anxious people are less likely to die due to accidents.
The psychologist David H. Barlow of Boston University conducted a study that showed three common characteristics of people suffering from chronic anxiety, which he characterized as "a generalized biological vulnerability," "a generalized psychological vulnerability," and "a specific psychological vulnerability." While chemical issues in the brain that result in anxiety (especially resulting from genetics) are well documented, this study highlights an additional environmental factor that may result from being raised by parents suffering from chronic anxiety themselves.
Research upon adolescents who as infants had been highly apprehensive, vigilant, and fearful finds that their nucleus accumbens is more sensitive than that in other people when selecting to make an action that determined whether they received a reward. This suggests a link between circuits responsible for fear and also reward in anxious people. As researchers note, "a sense of ‘responsibility,’ or self agency, in a context of uncertainty (probabilistic outcomes) drives the neural system underlying appetitive motivation (i.e., nucleus accumbens) more strongly in temperamentally inhibited than noninhibited adolescents."
Neural circuitry involving the amygdala and hippocampus is thought to underlie anxiety. When people are confronted with unpleasant and potentially harmful stimuli such as foul odors or tastes, PET-scans show increased bloodflow in the amygdala. In these studies, the participants also reported moderate anxiety. This might indicate that anxiety is a protective mechanism designed to prevent the organism from engaging in potentially harmful behaviors.
Although single genes have little effect on complex traits and interact heavily both between themselves and with the external factors, research is underway to unravel possible molecular mechanisms underlying anxiety and comorbid conditions. One candidate gene with polymorphisms that influence anxiety is PLXNA2.
Homeopathic Treatment :-

Aconite (Aconitum napellus):-

A panic attack that comes on suddenly with very strong fear (even fear of death) may indicate this remedy. A state of immense anxiety may be accompanied by strong palpitations, shortness of breath, and flushing of the face.
Sudden, intense ailments from fright.
Anxiety and restlessness with complaints.
Fears that do not subside.
Faintness or dizziness upon waking up.
Sudden fever with one cheek red, the other pale
Intolerance of pain.
Painful urination with anxiety
Pains followed by numbness and tingling.
Eye pain and injuries
Throbbing headache.
Unquenchable thirst

Argentum nitricum (Arg-n):-
This remedy is indicated when anxiety develops before a big event. (Examples: an interview for job, an exam, a public speech, social engagement, marriage, etc.).
Emotional upset
Extended period of unusual or continued mental exertion
Craving for sweets and salt. Craving for strong flavors.
Enthusiastic and suggestible, with a tendency toward peculiar thoughts and impulses.

Arsenicum album (Arsenicum, Ars):-
This remedy is recommended for people who are deeply anxious about their health, and extremely concerned with order and security. Panic attacks often occur around midnight or the very early hours of the morning. The person may feel exhausted yet still be restless-fidgeting, pacing, and anxiously moving from place to place. These people may also have digestive problems or asthma attacks accompanied by anxiety. They are typically obsessive about small details and very neat. They may feel a desperate need to be in control of everything.
Anxiety associated with later stages of head cold, with sneezing
Asthma worse after midnight, fears suffocation while lying down
Sleepiness but insomnia
Thirsty for frequent small drinks
Weak and exhausted
Desires air but sensitive to cold
Vomiting with or without diarrhea after eating and drinking

Calcarea carbonica (Calc):-
People who benefit most from this remedy have a chilly constitution. The slightest cold "goes right through them." They have trouble keeping themselves warm. They have a craving for sweets, and are easily fatigued. They are dependable, solid people who become overwhelmed from physical illness or too much work and start to fear a breakdown. Their thoughts can be muddled and confused when tired, which adds to the anxiety. Worry and bad news may agitate them, and a nagging dread of disaster (to themselves or others) may develop. Fear of heights and claustrophobia are also common.
Increased perspiration
Night sweats
Cold hands and feet
Ravenous hunger
Aversion to fats
Craving for eggs
Eyes sensitive to light
Pale face
Large appetite with slow digestion

Gelsemium (Gels):-
This remedy is indicated when you have feelings of weakness, trembling, and mental dullness (being "paralyzed by fear"). It is also useful when a person experiences anxiety about an upcoming event such as stage-fright about a public performance or interview, or anxiety before a test, impending visit to the dentist, or other stressful events. Chills, perspiration, diarrhea, and headaches will often occur with nervousness. Fear of crowds, a fear of falling, and even a fear that the heart might stop are other indications for Gelsemium.
Anxiety prior to an examination or public performance
Fatigue and aching of whole body
Limbs, head, eyelids heavy
Scalp sore to touch
Sore throat
Lack of thirst
Dizziness, trembling, fatigue, dullness

Ignatia amara (Ignatia, Ign):-
A sensitive person who is anxious because of grief, loss, disappointment, criticism, loneliness (or any stressful emotional experience) may benefit from this remedy. The primary factor for this remedy is emotional stress, especially disappointment or grief. Other indications are a defensive attitude, frequent sighing, and mood swings. The person may burst unexpectedly into either tears or laughter.
Sensation of a lump in the throat
Chills with fever
Thirst during chills
Chills relieved by warmth
Cramping pains in the abdomen or back
Headaches that feel like a nail driven into the side of the head
Skin very sensitive to drafts
Rejects company
Insomnia from emotional distress
Nausea relieved by eating
Eating intensifies hunger

Kali phosphoricum:-
Indicated when a person has been exhausted by overwork or illness. Feels a deep anxiety and inability to cope. Jumpy and oversensitive. May be startled by ordinary sounds. Hearing unpleasant news or thinking of world events can aggravate the problems. Insomnia and an inability to concentrate may develop, increasing the sense of nervous dread. Eating, warmth, and rest often bring relief.
Deep anxiety and inability to cope
Jumpy and oversensitive
Startled by ordinary sounds
Nervous digestive upsets

Lycopodium (Lyc):-
Lycopodium patients attempt to cover an inner sense of inadequacy by putting up fronts, by pretending to be something they are not. They feel anxiety from mental stress and suffer from a lack of confidence. They can be self-conscious and feel intimidated by people they perceive as powerful. They can feel a deep anxiety and fear of failure, when they take on responsibility. They usually do well, once started on a task.
Shakes head without any apparent cause
Facial contortions
Gassy, constipation or diarrhea
Sour belching
Digestive upsets with gas and bloating
Craves sweets, warm food and drink
Night cough
Wants to be alone
Cranky on waking
Bullying tendency
Fear of failure
Breaking down under stress

Natrum muriaticum (Nat mur):-
The primary candidates for this remedy are personally aloof but have a social conscience and a desire to help others. Deep emotions and a self-protective shyness can make these people seem reserved, aloof, and private. Even when feeling lonely, they tend to stay away from social situations, not knowing what to say or do. Easily hurt and offended, they can brood, bear grudges, dwell on unhappy feelings, and isolate themselves. They refuse consolation even when they want it. They are often sympathetic listeners to other people's problems. Claustrophobia, anxiety at night (with fears of robbers or intruders), migraines, and insomnia are often seen when this remedy is needed.
Tongue feels dry
Mucous membranes dry
Migraine headache
Pains around eyes
Craves salt and dry foods
Weepy but won't let others see it. (Wants to be alone to cry.)
Consolation aggravates them
Angry from isolation
Fright, grief, anger
Nervous, discouraged, broken down

Indicated when the victims are openhearted, imaginative, excitable, easily startled, and full of intense and vivid fears. Strong anxiety can be easily triggered just by thinking of almost anything. They are nervous and sensitive to others. They can overextend themselves with sympathy to the point of feeling exhausted and "spaced out" or even getting ill. They need a lot of company and reassurance. They often feel better from conversation or a back-rub. Easy flushing of the face, palpitations, thirst, and a strong desire for cold, refreshing foods are other indications for Phosphorus.
Associated with hoarseness
Tight heavy chest
Dry rasping cough
Burning pains in stomach, abdomen, between shoulder blades
Thirst for cold drinks that are vomited
Night sweats

Pulsatilla (Puls):-
People who need this remedy often express anxiety as insecurity and clinginess, with a need for constant support and comforting. They fear being alone. They are easily discouraged, moody, tearful, whiny, even emotionally childish. Getting too warm or being in a stuffy room often increases anxiety. Anxiety around the time of hormonal changes (puberty, menstrual periods, or menopause) often is helped with Pulsatilla.
Wants attention and sympathy
Changeable symptoms and moods
Craves open air
Sensitive to heat
Dry mouth with lack of thirst
Rich food upsets stomach
Insomnia from recurring thought
Head colds
Loose cough, worse at night
Delayed menstrual period with scanty flow

Silicea (Silica):-
Indicated for those who are capable and serious, yet are also nervous, shy, and subject to bouts of temporary loss of confidence. Anxiety can be extreme when they are faced with a public appearance, interview, examination, or any new job or task. Worry and overwork can bring on headaches, difficulty concentrating, and states of exhaustion, oversensitivity, and dread.
Difficulty concentrating
Overreact and devote attention to tiny details
Low stamina
Frequently catch colds, sore throats, or other illnesses.

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