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Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Apoplexy Homeopathic Treatment


Apoplexy is bleeding into a cavity or organ. There are various forms of apoplexy, including adrenal apoplexy (ie, bleeding into adrenal glands) and pituitary apoplexy (ie, bleeding into the pituitary gland).

Image result for apoplexyImage result for apoplexy
Causes of Apoplexy

Expansion of a tumor
Hormonal imbalance
Blood clot
Limited venous drainage
Acute illness
Drastic changes in blood volume or blood pressure
Blood coagulation disorders

Symptoms of Apoplexy

If you experience any of these symptoms do not assume it is due to apoplexy. These symptoms may be caused by other, less serious health conditions. If you experience any one of them, see your physician.

Loss of vision
Double vision
Altered mental status

risk factor

A risk factor is something that increases your chance of getting a disease or condition. The following factors increase your chance of developing apoplexy. If you have any of these risk factors, tell your doctor:

Hormonal insufficiency
Previous surgery
Bleeding disorders
Blood tests
Urine tests
Computed tomography (CT) scan -a type of x-ray that uses a computer to make pictures of structures inside the body
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) -a test that uses magnetic waves to make pictures of structures inside the body
Ultrasound -a test that uses radiation to take a picture of structures inside the body

 Homeopathy Treatment:

Asterias Rub
theratend brain hemorrhage when blood seems to rush to the head

The remedy undoubtedly most similar to the general symptoms of apoplexy is opium. It has a dark red flushed face, and the darker the better the indication. It has rattling stertorous breathing and unconsciousness, with sometimes a tetanic rigidity of the body and paralysis. The pulse is exceedingly slow and full, and there is drooping of the lower jaw; apoplexy in drunkards suggests this remedy, Nux vomica or Sepia. Marked venous congestion is a mores valuable symptom than profoundness of stupor. Ferrum phosphoricum. Dr.E.G.Jones uses this remedy in the 3x trituration in hot water when called during an apoplectic seizure, stating that it will usually restore the patient to consciousness in a short time and also control the haemorrhage. Here Aconite may be a better remedy if the mental anxiety is very prominent. Kali muriaticum. The same author uses this remedy to absorb the exudate and believes that many lives may be saved by its use.

Is the remedy where there is soreness and aching all over the body, paralysis, especially of left side, full, strong pulse and stertorous breathing. Bed sores form rapidly. It is a remedy to prevent threatened apoplexy. Often attacks of apoplexy can be prevented by restoring the circulation to its equilibrium by means of such remedies as Aconite, Belladonna, Glonoine and Arnica. Bayes attributes many cases of apoplexy in old people to the habit of taking medicines to keep their bowels open. This should lead us to treat carefully the constipation,and here opium may perform a double action. Apoplexy due to external violence calls for Arnica. It should be administered after acute symptoms have subsided to promote absorption of the clot, and here the 30th potency has acted very promptly. Dr.Wm.Morris Butler believes that we haves in Arnica30 a sheet anchor for dissolving blood clots in our own hands it has worked most favorably in a number of cases.

Here we have red face, loss of consciousness, convulsive symptoms, dilated pupils, difficult deglutition, involuntary emission of urine, coma and sopor. Hyoscyamus is similar, patients fall suddenly with a shriek and pass into a condition of sopor, with involuntary faeces. Glonoine is indicated buy high arterial tension and co-existing kidney disease. Severe and sudden congestion.

Hartmann claims that this is one of the most important remedies in treating apoplexy when it occurs suddenly without prodrome; the patient falls suddenly into a comatose state out of which he cannot be aroused; palpitation of heart, cold moist skin, convulsions of the muscles of the face are symptoms which should be present. The ensuing paralyses due to cerebral haemorrhage call for Baryta carbonica as the most useful medicine

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