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Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Lower Back Pain Homeopathic treatment

                                                                          Lower Back Pain

Lower Back Pain is a common problem in the present day world with chair work involving most people. You can prevent back pain or lessen it. Simple home treatment and proper body mechanics will often heal your back ache in a few weeks and keepit pain free.Surgery is rarely needed to treat back pain 

Image result for lower back painImage result for lower back pain
Image result for lower back painImage result for lower back pain
Symptoms. The following is guide to show that you might be having or heading towards varicose veins:- 
  1. Muscles pain.
  2. You find it difficult to stand upright with your back straight.
  3. The pain may be shooting or stabbing.
  4. The pain may extend down your your legs.
  5. You cannot move your back easily, showing it is lacking flexibility.
  6. The following is guide to show that you might be having or heading towards varicose veins:-
    Muscles pain.
    You find it difficult to stand upright with your back straight.
    The pain may be shooting or stabbing.
    The pain may extend down your your legs.
    You cannot move your back easily, showing it is lacking flexibility.
    Causes of Back Pain. The back comprises bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons and disks. Disks are the cartilage-like pads that act as cushions between the segments of your spine. Back pain can arise from problems with any of these component parts. In a few cases specific reason may not be there.
  7. It occurs mostly due to
    Trying to move your body suddely when your body is in an awkward position
    Lifting heavy weights.
    Back muscles and joint ligaments being strained.
Causes of Back Pain. 
Lower Back Pain is a common problem in the present day world with chair work involving most people. You can prevent back pain or lessen it. Simple home treatment and proper body mechanics will often heal your back ache in a few weeks and keepit pain free.Surgery is rarely needed to treat back pain 
Symptoms. The following is guide to show that you might be having or heading towards varicose veins:- 
Muscles pain. 
You find it difficult to stand upright with your back straight. 
The pain may be shooting or stabbing. 
The pain may extend down your your legs. 
You cannot move your back easily, showing it is lacking flexibility. 
Causes of Back Pain. The back comprises bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons and disks. Disks are the cartilage-like pads that act as cushions between the segments of your spine. Back pain can arise from problems with any of these component parts. In a few cases specific reason may not be there. 
It occurs mostly due to 
Trying to move your body suddely when your body is in an awkward position 
Lifting heavy weights. 
Back muscles and joint ligaments being strained.
The back comprises bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons and disks. Disks are the cartilage-like pads that act as cushions between the segments of your spine. Back pain can arise from problems with any of these component parts. In a few cases specific reason may not be there. 

It occurs mostly due to 

  1. Trying to move your body suddely when your body is in an awkward position
  2. Lifting heavy weights.
  3. Back muscles and joint ligaments being strained.
Homeopathy Treatment :-

 Rhus tox. – Muscular pain, when pain is relieved by walking and worse at rest or at first motion. There is marked stiffness and warm application gives relief.

Brynoia alba. – When the pain is worse on every movement and better by absolute rest and pressure.

Hypericum – Excellent remedy for nerve pain especially after surgery or injury.

Colocynthis- Pain in the back is so severe that makes patient unable to walk or stand which finally settles down on the upper part of the thigh and buttock. Bending forward often ameliorates.

Kali carb. – Lumbosacral backache, pain goes down the back to the legs. Pains, stitching, darting, worse during rest and lying on affected side. Backache and weakness after abortion, labor or profuse menses; while walking feels as if she must give up and lie down.

Nux vomica - Backache due to chill, which aggravate in the morning and better from heat. Especially suited to people working for long hours in an air-conditioned office and sitting in a chair for long periods. Irritability is often increased.

Arnica mont. – Acute pain after an injury along with sore bruised feeling. Slight touch aggravates.

Actea racemosa - Pain in the muscles with intense restlessness and sleeplessness. It is particularly applicable in rheumatism affecting the bellies of the muscles. Another use of this remedy is in the condition known as spinal irritation, it is indicated when upper and lower cervical vertebrae, particularly latter, are sensitive to pressure

Gnaphalium. – Sharp cutting pain in anterior cervical nerve, aggravation on lying down and relieved when sitting.

Aesculus hip. – For persons with haemorrhoidal tendencies, and who suffer with gastric, bilious or catarrhal troubles. Severe dull backache in lumbo-sacral articulation; more or less constant; affecting sacrum and hips. Back “gives out” during pregnancy, prolapsus, leucorrhoea; when walking or stooping; must sit or lie down. Sensation of heaviness and lameness in back. Paralytic feeling in arms, legs and spine.

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